An A2 Key qualification is proof of your ability to use English to communicate in simple situations.
The exam tests all four English language skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking.
It should give you the confidence to go on and study for higher-level exams such as B1 Preliminary and B2 First.
CEFR level: | A2 What's this? |
Scale score: | 120–139 What's this? |
Test format: | Computer or paper-based |
No. of papers: | 3 |
Exam length: | About 2 hours |
To make sure our exams are up to date with the latest research in language learning and teaching, we update them regularly. A2 Key, A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools have undergone a thorough review to ensure that our exams continue to remain relevant to the needs of schools and learners.
The new exam formats will start being used from January 2020. The changes include:
You can find out more about the changes, including information on preparation materials, on our dedicated A2 Key and B1 Preliminary 2020 update website. You can also sign up to receive information and updates about the changes to the exams.